gay little ep (feat. Evie)
November 22, 2021 • Episode 99
MQFF help pinkwash apartheid, Dani Laidley returns as a hero, and the Victorian Pride Lobby release a report on LGBTIQA+ people's feelings toward police.
- The Melbourne Queer Film Festival were asked to drop a pink-washing Israli film, and join in BDS against the aparthied state.
- They didn’t, saying they wanted to remain “apolitical”.
- The push to remove the film was spearheaded by Queer Palestinians like Lujayn Hourani.
- MQFF co-president Molly Whelan and board member Nayuka Gorrie have resigned over the festival’s decision.
Returning hero
- Former North Melbourne coach Dani Laidley returned to speak at the football club, representing her “old tribe and new tribe”.
- Dani was outed as trans by police, who leaked photos and made transphobic comments.
Pride lobby
- The Victorian Pride lobby surveyed 1,500 LGBTIQA+ people to understand their feelings towards police.
- In 2019, police raided queer bookshop Hares & Hyenas, breaking a man’s arm (they also had the wrong address).
- IBAC found it was okay though.
- Get cops out of pride.