Clean coal and other fairytales
January 21, 2020 • Episode 2
The Liberal party has a new line: Adapt and Mitigate. We discuss why that's still climate denial.
Show notes
- Vice on the politics-coal lobby open plan office
- Don’t play tennis in hazardous air
- Australia’s science minister doesn’t want to talk about climate change
- Writing it down so it’s real: McLean thinks that the government will be back to a “both-sides” argument by May.
- BlackRock sees the writing on the wall and is divesting from coal
- Australia ran a scheme subsidise home insulation…
- …people died
- Our towns are being sucked dry by sold-off water rights. Shockingly, corruption is rife.
- Australia spends $29 billion a year propping up fossil fuel industries
- Kevin Rudd’s mining tax sunk his prime ministership
- “Mining: pretty cool. Shouldn’t be taxed.” — Minerals Council
- The Labor party has committed to being just as bad on climate change as the Liberals
- Gladys Berejiklian, the Premier of NSW, says talking about climate change is a disgrace
- Clean coal is expensive bullshit, won’t actually do anything for climate change
Action Items
- Join a union
- Call your local MP
- Move your superannuation and change banks to divest from coal