WiNnErS & LoSeRs
May 19, 2021 • Episode 72
We talk about the media's narratives of omission, whether the subject is Kristina Keneally's necklace, the federal budget or the people of Palestine.
Drawing the line
- Kristina Kersher Keneally wore a necklace given to her by Kopi of Biloela family in Parliament…
- …while the Labor party passed a bill making indefinite detention legal, and allowing the immigration minister to strip people of refugee status.
- The supreme court originally ruled that stateless people could be held indefinitely in 2019.
War crime media watch
- Many passive-voice related incidents occurred in Australian media this week regarding conflict in the Middle East.
- Sky news had good coverage?? Nah don’t worry, they’re back on track.
- Schwartz media has had a long-standing pro-Israel stance.
- More than 670 Australian journalists and media personalities have signed an open letter calling for media organisations to do better on Palestine.
- Shoutout to political economist Elizabeth Humphrys for calling for more collective action amongst media workers.
One budget, please sir
- The Australian media loves to divide the budget into winners and losers.
- David Speers walks right into Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s framing trap.
- The budget predictions are simply a fantasy.
- Shoutout to Celeste Liddle, who is running for the Greens in the federal seat of Cooper.
- Lydia Thorpe, Victoria’s first Aboriginal woman senator “The instruction from the colonizers was to wipe us and our language out, to take our children… Their plan was to annihilate us, to get rid of us altogether. But they failed.”
- Attend one of the rallies happening across Australia this weekend in solidarity with the people of Palestine.